Nebula Conference 2024 Online

June 07, 2024

The Rise of South and Southeast Asian SFF

June 7, 2024 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Panelists: Avani Gadani, Phong Quan, Rajeev Prasad and S.B. Divya (moderator)

Who are the emerging writers in this space? How are cultural and technological shifts impacting the popularity of genre fiction in South and Southeast Asia? How do we bridge that gap between writing for a US audience and writing for the English-speaking South and Southeast Asian audience?

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Almost Home: Stories Set in our Solar System

June 7, 2024 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Panelists: Curtis C. Chen, Humphrey Price, Phoebe Barton and Erik Grove (moderator)
Science Fiction often takes us to settings that are far, far away, but we live in a vibrant system of celestial bodies that can also inspire wonder. Whether it’s alternate Earths or planets like Mars, the asteroid belt or moons that orbit gas giants, there are great stories to be mined. Join these creators who have crafted science fiction stories that are set a little bit closer to home.
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Religion as Worldbuilding: How Your Character’s Faith Changes the World

June 7, 2024 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

This panel ranges over topics such as why it’s important to include religion, how to do so, pitfalls to avoid, tips on how to make sure you don’t default to a fantasy version of Christianity unless you intend to, etc.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Religion as Worldbuilding: How Your Character’s Faith Changes the World

Endings: How to Stick the Landing

June 7, 2024 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Endings leave the reader with something — a feeling, a question, or an idea. How do you close your story so that you leave the lasting impact of your words on the reader? How much resolution is necessary? How much space past the climax is a good barometer for a proper cool-down?
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

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Building Your Publishing Crew: Finding the Right Professionals for Indie Books

June 7, 2024 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

As an independent author, you can’t always do it all alone. Editing, cover design, even layout might not be in your skillset. How do you find the right professionals to work with? How do you know whether your editor is a good fit, and how do you choose a cover artist for each book? What are the red…and green…flags to look for? Panelists will discuss how to find and select freelancers to make your book even better.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

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Time Management for Harried Writers

June 7, 2024 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

How do authors successfully manage multiple projects in varying stages of completion, along with marketing, editing, family duties, job responsibilities, and, oh yeah, a healthy life? This panel is composed of writers with varied credentials who will talk about the perils of juggling projects and how they successfully navigate them without burning out and quitting.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

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Write Well, Stay Well: Self-Care for Authors

June 7, 2024 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

This panel offers tips and tricks for authors to engage in self-care, for both their physical bodies and their mental health.

If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

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The BIPOC POV in Hard SF

June 7, 2024 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

One of the joys of hard science fiction lies in its opportunity to communicate science through storytelling. To communicate not only the exciting research and concepts, but also the practice of science, the joys and frustrations that come with being a scientist (anyone from any background who engages rigorously with those evidence-based philosophies of understanding the world).

Historically, hard science fiction has been dominated by viewpoints originating from western European and American thought written largely by white/cis/het men. And also historically, an environment of exclusion and gatekeeping, rather than inclusion and communication. This turns countless people away from hard science fiction, because they are told that if they cannot make it through poorly explained, dense, intentionally exclusionary science in stories, they are not meant for the subgenre.

In this panel we will discuss the term hard SF, its use, current state, and the future from a BIPOC lens.

If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

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June 08, 2024

Rethinking Conflict in Gaming Narratives

June 8, 2024 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Video games may have a reputation for graphic violence, but what if we as game writers want to create a narrative that’s not driven by combat? From casual and cozy games, life sims, dating sims, to visual novels and text-based, interactive fiction, there’s an increasing array of options for players seeking games that go beyond fighting or forgo it altogether. This panel will focus on how to create urgency and propel the plot forward using an intentional lack of violence. In this way we use games a tool for teaching “non-violent communication” in an increasingly violent real world.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

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It’s Not Just Fart Jokes and Slang: Developing a Voice in Middle-Grade SFF

June 8, 2024 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Voice permeates every aspect of writing, from dialog to description to narrative. Beyond marketing-based audience age ranges and content restrictions, nothing defines middle-grade fiction more than voice. Is there a middle-grade voice? How can writers evoke authentic middle-grade characters without sacrificing their own authorial voice?
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

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