Tracy Cooper-Posey

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Writing a Series that Delivers and Delivers

May 21, 2022 6:00 am to 7:00 am

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When the writing is strong, the world building is interesting, and the characters are compelling, readers want more. They want to spend time with the same characters on new journeys without losing the wonder which first drew them in. Authors discuss how to maintain consistent publishing schedules while meeting, maintaining, and set new expectations with their readers.

Paths to Success as an Indie Author

May 21, 2022 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Please note: all times are displayed in the Pacific timezone. Timezone calculator

Panelists: Tim Fielder, Tracy Cooper-Posey, Mark Coker and R. K. Thorne (moderator)

When authors decide to take the indie publishing route, they assume responsibility for dozens of creative and strategic decisions. Who should be your editor? Your cover designer? What is your marketing and business strategy? Join us to explore how you to plot your own course to success when you are making the major publishing decisions.

Time Management for Harried Writers

June 7, 2024 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Please note: all times are displayed in the Pacific timezone. Timezone calculator

How do authors successfully manage multiple projects in varying stages of completion, along with marketing, editing, family duties, job responsibilities, and, oh yeah, a healthy life? This panel is composed of writers with varied credentials who will talk about the perils of juggling projects and how they successfully navigate them without burning out and quitting.
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