Nebula Conference 2024 Online

June 07, 2024

Creating Authentic Characters

June 7, 2024 10:30 am to 11:30 am

Every story needs its heroes and villains, but how do writers create characters that feel so developed they might step right off the page? What makes an idea become a fully fleshed out person that readers want to spend time with? In this panel, we’ll explore how to develop such characters, including processes and tips for creating complex personalities that come alive.

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Uncategorized: What to Do About Books that Defy Genres

June 7, 2024 10:30 am to 11:30 am

Panelists: Jeffe Kennedy, K.R. Monin, Sarah Guan (moderator) and LP Kindred
Genres help with marketing and setting expectations for readers, but what should you do when your new story idea doesn’t seem to fit into any existing niche?
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Uncategorized: What to Do About Books that Defy Genres

Interactive Fiction: What is It, Why Write It?

June 7, 2024 10:30 am to 11:30 am

Panelists: Matt Toner (moderator), Stewart Baker, Alex Kingsley and Kimberly Unger
An introduction to interactive fiction (AKA text games), including resources for those who want to try their hand at writing a no-graphics, low-programming game and publishing it online for others to play.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Interactive Fiction: What is It, Why Write It?

Writing LGBTQIA+ Characters

June 7, 2024 10:30 am to 11:30 am

Join us as we discuss how to explore LGBTQIA+ identities and experiences through our characters and their journeys.

If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Writing LGBTQIA+ Characters

Monstrous Women

June 7, 2024 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Panelists: Vela Roth, Claire Davon, Julia Vee and M. S. Ewing (moderator)
Sirens, witches, gorgons, banshees, and more. A discussion of how femininity has been portrayed as monstrous, both historically and in storytelling, and how those tropes are being developed/expanded in modern times.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

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Putting Together A Short Fiction Collection

June 7, 2024 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

A panel discussion on crafting single author short fiction collections that generate an impact, featuring authors of some recently acclaimed collections.

If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

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Learning to Teach Genre

June 7, 2024 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Whether it’s to diversify your income stream or simply to pass on the writing wisdom you’ve gained over the years, teaching can be a fulfilling addition to your writing career. Panelists will discuss how to get into teaching gigs, put together compelling classes, and work with students of all skill levels. Sometimes the best way to learn is to teach, and the best way to express your creativity is to help others express theirs.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Learning to Teach Genre

Writing and Navigating Publishing as Persons with Disabilities

June 7, 2024 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Authors with disabilities discuss their experiences writing, navigating the industry, and reaching audiences.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Writing and Navigating Publishing as Persons with Disabilities

Setting as Character: Making Livable, Memorable Worlds

June 7, 2024 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Panelists: R.B. Lemberg, Talulah Sullivan, SL Huang and Rob Costello (moderator)
This panel will deal with capturing ideas to build worlds that breathe as much life into your stories and the characters you place in them.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Setting as Character: Making Livable, Memorable Worlds

Rays of Sunshine in a Bleak Middle Grade and Young Adult Publishing Landscape

June 7, 2024 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

With softening sales, books bans, and lasting reverberations from the pandemic, the middle-grade and YA publishing landscape can look bleak. But is there anything to be optimistic about? In this panel, we don our mining helmets and prepare to dig deep in search of optimism and positive news.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Rays of Sunshine in a Bleak Middle Grade and Young Adult Publishing Landscape

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