Ada Hoffmann

Ada Hoffmann is the author of the OUTSIDE space opera trilogy, the collections MONSTERS IN MY MIND and MILLION-YEAR ELEGIES, and dozens of speculative short stories and poems. Ada’s work has been a finalist for the Philip K. Dick Award (2020, THE OUTSIDE), the Compton Crook Award (2020, THE OUTSIDE), and the WSFA Small Press Award (2020, “Fairest of All”).
Ada was diagnosed with autism at the age of 13 and is passionate about autistic self-advocacy. Their Autistic Book Party review series is devoted to in-depth discussions of autism representation in speculative fiction. Much of their own work also features autistic characters. Ada is an adjunct professor of computer science at a major Canadian university, and they did their PhD thesis (in 2018) on teaching computers to write poetry. They are a former semi-professional soprano, tabletop gaming enthusiast, and LARPer. They live in eastern Ontario.
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