Chris Arnone

Chris M. Arnone (he/him) was weaned on comic books and Hardy Boys novels, finding his first literary love in Lord of the Flies, though his longest-lasting is a love for Ray Bradbury. He reads and writes nerdy fiction in equal parts with literary fiction and poetry these days, but his imagination still leans toward the magical. As an intersex man, he is particularly interested in gender and sexuality in his writing.

Chris’ cyberpunk heist series, The Jayu City Chronicles, are available everywhere you buy books. He is a senior contributor for Book Riot. He is represented by Katie Salvo at Metamorphosis Literary Agency. He has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Missouri – Kansas City. He also performs on many stages in Kansas City, where he lives with his wife Christy and their cats. ​

Chris Arnone

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Creating Authentic Characters

June 7, 2024 10:30 am to 11:30 am

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