Matt Toner

Matt has written for – deep breath – comics, short films, video games, television, animation, virtual reality, augmented reality, and theatre (real reality). He has been a speaker on games, play and fun at SXSW, TIFF & TIFF Kids, San Diego Comic-Con, the Banff Media Festival, Prime Time, Fan Expo, PAX, GDC, and the Nordic Games Conference. He has been a Fellow of the World Summit of Innovation, a member of the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, a juror for the Sir Peter Ustinov Television Scriptwriting Awards, and a Visiting Professor at both the Simon Fraser University’s School of Interactive Arts & Technology and the graduate program at the Centre for Digital Media.

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If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2023 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

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If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!