Nebula Conference 2022 Online

May 22, 2022

Collaborative Writing: How to Share Your Brainspace

May 22, 2022 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Panelists: Rob Hart, Adam Stemple, Jonathan Brazee and Sienna Tristen (moderator)

What happens when an idea forms between two (or more!) authors? How do you share ideas, build consensus, and manage drafts and revisions? Join us to explore how collaborative writing relationships work and how to build them.

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Writing in a Shared World

May 22, 2022 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

It’s your book, but it’s their world. How do you follow the rules of the literary universe and still contribute in a creatively fulfilling way? People hosting and writing in shared worlds talk about their experiences and give advice for those wanting to join an established property.

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Promotion for Introverts

May 22, 2022 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

You’ve got the contract! Your book is coming out! Congrats. Now, you have to promote it. Truth is, even the “big” houses require writers to do much of the marketing footwork themselves, and there’s lots of info on what to do and when. But, for us introverts, the shy, and the neurodiverse, stumping our own work is, at best, a source of fraught ambivalence, and, at worst, a gauntlet of terror. There are ways to push through, though. Come hear from other introverts who’ve made it through marketing in one piece, more or less.

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The Value of Versatility

May 22, 2022 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Some agents, editors, and publishers advise authors to develop a brand. This branding sets the expectation that an author will stick to one genre, one style, or one format. But there’s a value to being versatile, too. This panel will discuss how and why authors should make and break their own mold.

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Live Readings: So, You’ve Been Asked to Read Your Work in Front of Actual Humans…

May 22, 2022 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Invited to an event to give a live reading of your work? Professional narrators are here to help with tips and tricks to win over your audience, combat the nerves, prepare for your reading.

Read more about Live Readings: So, You’ve Been Asked to Read Your Work in Front of Actual Humans…

Leveling up: Strategies to Grow as a Writer

May 22, 2022 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm

There’s no video game-style announcement to tell us when we’ve leveled up our writing skills. Sometimes it’s hard to know if you’re improving at all–especially when you’re just starting out. We’ll discuss ways that our panelists have leveled up their own skills, from formal workshops to writing groups to exercises and beyond.

Read more about Leveling up: Strategies to Grow as a Writer

June 26, 2022

July 03, 2022

July 10, 2022

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