Elle E. Ire

Elle Ire writes Sapphic science fiction/romance and paranormal romance featuring kickass women who fall in love with each other. Her current publications include: Vicious Circle (2015), the Storm Fronts trilogy (2019-2020), Reel to Real Love (2021), the Nearly Departed trilogy (2021-2022), and Harsh Reality (2022), all from DSP Publications. She is represented by Naomi Davis at BookEnds Literary Agency.

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Promotion for Introverts

May 22, 2022 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

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You’ve got the contract! Your book is coming out! Congrats. Now, you have to promote it. Truth is, even the “big” houses require writers to do much of the marketing footwork themselves, and there’s lots of info on what to do and when. But, for us introverts, the shy, and the neurodiverse, stumping our own work is, at best, a source of fraught ambivalence, and, at worst, a gauntlet of terror. There are ways to push through, though. Come hear from other introverts who’ve made it through marketing in one piece, more or less.