Karen Heuler

Karen Heuler’s stories have appeared in over 120 literary and speculative magazines and anthologies, from Conjunctions to The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction to Weird Tales, as well as a number of Best Of anthologies. She has received an O. Henry award, been a finalist for the Iowa short fiction award, the Bellwether award, the Shirley Jackson award for short fiction, and a bunch of other ritzy awards. The Splendid City will be published by Angry Robot Books this June. It’s a book about stolen water, an exiled witch and her gun-wielding cat, and a city run by a self-declared President who loves parades. She lives in New York City with a large dog and two alarmed cats. Fairwood Books will publish her next collection, A Slice of the Dark, in November.

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The Value of Versatility

May 22, 2022 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

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Some agents, editors, and publishers advise authors to develop a brand. This branding sets the expectation that an author will stick to one genre, one style, or one format. But there’s a value to being versatile, too. This panel will discuss how and why authors should make and break their own mold.