T. R. Napper

T. R. Napper is a multi-award-winning science fiction author, including the Aurealis twice. His short fiction has appeared in Asimov’s, Interzone, the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and numerous others, and been translated into Hebrew, German, French, and Vietnamese. He received a creative writing doctorate for his thesis: Noir, Cyberpunk, and Asian Modernity.

Before turning to writing, T. R. Napper was a diplomat and aid worker, delivering humanitarian programs in Southeast Asia for a decade. During this period, he received a commendation from the Government of Laos for his work with the poor. He also was a resident of the Old Quarter in Ha Noi for several years, the setting for his debut novel, 36 Streets.

These days he has returned to his home country of Australia, where he works as a Dungeon Master, running campaigns for young people with autism for a local charity.

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Publishing Short Stories and Collections

May 20, 2022 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm

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It starts with one story, but want to revisit the world, or you aren’t finished exploring this them. Once you’ve built a collection, how do you approach publication when most short stories are accepted one at a time? This panel talks about the business of traditionally publishing short story collections, from writers who have done so.