Noah K Sturdevant

Noah Sturdevant is a writer of comedy, in whatever form seems like the most fun at the time. Most of his work is in horror comedy/ urban fantasy, but only because Hasbro won’t let him write books about Transformers.

Noah grew up in Southeast Kansas, then lived in Asia (South Korea, China, and Thailand) for most of a decade, acquiring a wife and daughter in the process. He is currently living back in Kansas and is openly resentful about having to grow up and settle down. He plans to take more frequent trips abroad, just as soon as his books are turned into movies or he hits the lottery.

Noah never really knows what’s going on, but attempts to have a good time anyway. He hopes you have as much fun reading his books as he does writing them.

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Writing in a Shared World

May 22, 2022 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

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