Kristin Osani

Kristin (she/her) is a queer fantasy writer who lives with her husband in northeastern Japan, where she works as a freelance Japanese-to-English translator when she’s not wordsmithing, working on nerdy cross-stitching, or cuddling her two cats. She has translated games like The Kids We Were, Voice of Cards, and Triangle Strategy, and also edits manga for Kodansha USA. Her original fiction has appeared in FlashPoint SF, The Arcanist, and Beyond the Veil: Supernatural Tales of Queer Love (Ghost Orchid Press, 2022). Her debut novella, THE EXTRAVAGANZA ETERNIA, is forthcoming from Ghost Orchid Press in July 2024. You can find her on Instagram @Kristin.Osani or her website

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Kristin Osani

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