Will McDermott

Will McDermott turned a love of science, science fiction, and games into a career. He has published eight novels and 20 short stories, often set in gaming universes, including Magic: The Gathering, Warhammer 40K, Renegade Legion Universe, and Mage Wars. He is known for bringing larger-than-life characters alive, including Warhammer’s Kal Jerico and Mad D’onne, Magic’s Balthor the Stout and, most recently, Night Stalker’s Carl Kolchak. For more information, check out willmcdermott.com

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Game Writing 101: The Differences Between Writing for TableTop Games, Video Games, and Game Fiction

January 14, 2023 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm

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Join a panel of experts from the tabletop and video game industries to learn the basics about writing for games and the different approaches needed to excel in the various categories. The panel will discuss topics ranging from worldbuilding to character development to branching plotlines and beyond.