Rhiannon Louve

Rhiannon Louve is an author of fiction as well as table top and video game materials with over 20 years published writing experience in various genres. Xe is also a scholar of contemporary Pagan theology and world culture, and an amateur student of primate psychology and multiple languages (French, Spanish, Japanese, Swedish, Chinese, Swahili, and a little Irish). Other hobbies include tabletop gaming, anime, singing, and crafting. Xe has a fiction Patreon page at patreon.com/rhiannonlouve

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Game Writing 101: The Differences Between Writing for TableTop Games, Video Games, and Game Fiction

January 14, 2023 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm

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Join a panel of experts from the tabletop and video game industries to learn the basics about writing for games and the different approaches needed to excel in the various categories. The panel will discuss topics ranging from worldbuilding to character development to branching plotlines and beyond.