Jay Dragon

Jay Dragon is a queer disabled TTRPG game designer located in upstate New York, and author of Wanderhome, Sleepaway, and one of the creators of Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast. Jay writes games about community, liminality, and the magic of the mundane. These days Jay can often be found sitting on a dock by the creek, listening to music and watching the sun set.

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Intro to Critiquing Game Writing

May 22, 2022 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Please note: all times are displayed in the Pacific timezone. Timezone calculator

As SFWA welcomes and integrates game writers into the membership, non-game writers have the opportunity to acquire critical tools for evaluating the work of their games writing colleagues to better equip themselves when voting for the Nebulas or expanding into games themselves. This panel will introduce important concepts and tools for evaluating game writing.