Katrina Archer

Katrina Archer is the author of dark fantasy The Tree of Souls and YA fantasy Untalented. A former software engineer, she has worked in aerospace, video games, and film, and is a freelance copy editor and publisher of climate fiction magazine Little Blue Marble. Katrina’s work was a 2016 Library Journal Indie Ebook Awards Honorable Mention (Young Adult). She is an alumnus of the Viable Paradise and Paradise Lost writing workshops, and a member of SFWA and Codex Writers. She can operate almost any vehicle that can’t fly, doesn’t believe in life without books or chocolate, and is the guardian of one sweet potato and one chaos goblin masquerading as cats. Connect with Katrina online at katrinarcher.com.

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The Nexus Between Science Fiction and the Natural World

June 8, 2024 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

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