Nan Klee

Nan Klee’s resume as a writer includes eight years as a weekly newspaper columnist, while she worked as a freelance writer, editor, reporter, photographer, and technical writer. She used her knowledge of Navy flight simulators, computer network training, and technical savvy to become a computer technician. Nan holds a BS in Education from Southern Illinois University and worked 3 years towards a Master’s in Writing and Rhetoric, with a minor in Shakespeare Studies at San Diego State University. For many years, she worked as a technical editor and writer for Department of Defense contracting corporations that design and build combat aircraft and warships for our US military. Nan has written professionally for San Diego’s North County Times newspaper and a monthly column entitled Cranial Soup, for StellaNova Magazine, and has had a few poems and two short stories published. As a kid, Nan Klee grew up on the South Side of Chicago and later lived in Southern California for 37 years. Today, Nan lives in Eastern Tennessee with her critters and 5 computers. Friends and colleagues are intrigued by the fact that Nan’s eye color changes with her mood. Visit Nan’s website at

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Virtual Reality and SFF Story-Sharing: The Meeting of Imagination and High-Tech

May 14, 2023 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

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