Erin Brown, MA, MFA

Erin M. Brown, MA, MFA, is the author of 16 books (fiction, nonfiction, academic, children’s) and has been a professional writer/editor/ghostwriter of books, articles, pages, and curricula for 25+ years, helping authors master story writing through seminars and webinars, one-on-one coaching, and dozens of online courses. She has a terminal degree in Creative Writing, Genre Fiction, and has been a professional editor, content writing expert/marketing director, and storyteller for websites, videos, and multiple online programs.

Erin enjoyed teaching as a university writing, communications, and leadership instructor (two universities) and Lead Communications Curriculum developer (for a third university), as well as developing multiple college writing curricula and program. Today, along with crafting her own books and writing and editing for novels and television, she is a Senior Writer for a worldwide company overseeing associate copywriters and thought leadership content.

Speaking to audiences on writing since the ’80s, Erin’s a member of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), Authors Guild (AG), Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), and Romance Writers of America (RWA). Erin has worked with Hollywood A-Listers in story development for TV; continues to judge numerous contests for regional and national writing competitions; and has been a first and second-tier judge with RWA’s international competition. Throughout the year, you’ll find Erin speaking to authors on writing craft both live and online. Coffee mug or espresso in hand and surrounded by her collies, Erin writes from Michigan, USA.

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Author Branding for Introverts and Imposters

May 12, 2023 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

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Authors in traditional publishing, indie publishing, and self-publishing are all expected to do a tremendous amount of the lifting in their own promotion. This part of the job of being an author stirs lots of emotional issues for many authors. This session will explore how to identify your own brand as an author and harness the power of enthusiasm to bypass imposter syndrome and prioritize self-care while finding your audience. This course is taught by a painful introvert who manages to read as gregarious extrovert.

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