Nebula Conference 2024 Online

June 08, 2024

Battle Couples: Realistic Romance Partnerships in SFF

June 8, 2024 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

What makes a great romantic team on the page? How do romantic relationships up the stakes for the story? What are some great popular examples, and how do we make our own characters’ relationships both realistic and aspirational?

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Read more about Battle Couples: Realistic Romance Partnerships in SFF

Grand Master Interview — Susan Cooper

June 8, 2024 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Panelists: Jeffe Kennedy (moderator)
Join SFWA President Jeffe Kennedy for a conversation with 40th Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master, Susan Cooper.
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Grand Master Interview — Susan Cooper

June 09, 2024

Making It: What Handcrafts Can Teach Us About Writing

June 9, 2024 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Many writers practice some kind of hand-craft, from fiber arts to woodworking to metalsmithing and numerous others. The panelists will share what lessons translate from creating physical objects to telling stories (and perhaps vice-versa!) as well as other benefits a craft hobby can provide to writers.

If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Making It: What Handcrafts Can Teach Us About Writing

Writing and Publishing Beyond the English-Speaking World

June 9, 2024 9:00 am to 11:00 am

Although SFF written and translated into English is growing in diversity and prominence, there are still rich worlds of SFF that are beyond the Anglocentric markets of North America and the UK. What narratives and structures do these international writing communities use? What do their publishing landscapes look like, and what relationships do they have with the Anglophone world? How do writers from “the rest of the world” negotiate their careers between their local literary landscapes and the dominance of Anglocentric publishing?
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Writing and Publishing Beyond the English-Speaking World

What is Your “Why?” Setting Yourself up for Personalized Success

June 9, 2024 10:30 am to 11:30 am

How to set goals, stay motivated, and set your own parameters for success in an evolving market. Compare and despair: Your journey will not be the same as anyone else’s!
If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about What is Your “Why?” Setting Yourself up for Personalized Success

Planning Your Own Publicity Campaign

June 9, 2024 10:30 am to 11:30 am

Book promo for noobs! Resources and advice for making the most of the months leading up to and following a book release. Blurbs, ARCS, industry reviews, blog tours, making the most out of cons or book fairs, tips for effectively using social media. Should you make your own graphics? Hire an independent publicist? Plan a book launch or just enjoy a book birthday lunch?? Help, inquiring debut authors want to know!!

If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

Read more about Planning Your Own Publicity Campaign

June 16, 2024

June 23, 2024

June 30, 2024

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