Susan Hanniford Crowley

Susan Hanniford Crowley is a Science Fiction and Fantasy Author in addition to being a Paranormal Adventure Romance Fantasy Author and YA author. In fantasy, she is best known for her novelette Ladyknight which was published by DAW Books with Editor Marion Zimmer Bradley. In Paranormal Adventure Romance Fantasy, Susan is best known for her novel Vampire King of New York. She has written the Vampires in Manhattan series, the Arnhem Knights of New York series, and other non-series book in Mythology Romance Fantasy and Steampunk Romance Fantasy. Currently, she is also writing YA Fantasy with her books EverWarm and Lady Fallon’s Dragons.

Susan is an Associate Editor for Space and Time Magazine and has taught writing for over twenty-five years. She teaches workshops from time to time at conventions. She is an Active member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA). Susan is also a member of the Romance Writers of America (RWA) and earned membership into RWA PAN (Published Authors Network).

One unknown thing about Susan: In 1986, she saw Halley’s Comet on her birthday.

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