Sonia Focke

Sonia is an author and Egyptologist with works published in several anthologies. In addition to writing, she has showered with a scorpion, defended a hill fort against one (1) Viking warrior and learned the whole of the Mikado by heart. She has published several humorous stories (in The Were-Traveller’s “Women DESTROY [Retro] Sci-Fi] issue and Wolfsinger Press’s dragon anthology “Crunchy With Ketchup”) and a Beauty and the Beast retelling set in a world inspired by Paleolithic and Neolithic Egypt (with turtles!). She lives in Munich with a blacksmith and two Padawans.

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Writing Through the Pain

May 20, 2022 9:00 am to 10:00 am

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Living with chronic disease or pain can consume your thoughts, but writing can be a lifeline. Join your fellow authors as we share experiences, struggles, and victories as writers living with chronic pain.