Stina Leicht

Stina Leicht writes science fiction, horror, and fantasy novels and short stories. Her next novel, Loki’s Ring is a Space Opera and will debut from Saga Press in January of 2023. She was a finalist for the Crawford Award in 2011 and the Astounding Award for Best New Writer in 2011 and 2012. She has also written four Fantasy novels: Cold Iron, Blackthorne, Of Blood and Honey, And Blue Skies from Pain as well as the Feminist Science Fiction novel Persephone Station.

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May 22, 2022 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

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For writers seeking traditional publication the right agent is key. We cover practical querying techniques, time management tactics, and when to call in your support triangle. We cover mindset issues that crop up as you submit to the slush piles, and help you focus on finding the right long-term business partner/agent. This isn’t a class about query letters, or polishing your first five pages. This is a class about navigating the slush piles from a place of empowerment. Walk away with a list of agent author interview questions and more.