Leonardo Espinoza Benavides
Leonardo Espinoza Benavides (a.k.a. Leo) is a Chilean physician-writer & editor specialized in science fiction. As a doctor, he is a specialist in dermatology and venereology, with studies in psychodermatology and immunology. As a writer, he is best known for his short story cycle “Más espacio del que soñamos” (2018), set for a cinematographic adaptation by filmmaker Jorge Zavala, and “Adiós, loxonauta” (2020), recognized as a ‘book worth your consideration’ by the International Latino Book Awards and winner of the Chilean Altísimo Award (Premio Altísimo) 2022 for Best Work Published in 2020-2021. His most recent publication is “Nomadismos del tiempo trifráctico” (2022), an experimental SF short story collection. From 2008 to date, his short stories have been published in Latin America, Europe, the US, and China. When not at the hospital, he can be found in Santiago de Chile with his wife Daniele and their little dog Hulky.