Zin E. Rocklyn

Of Trinidadian descent, Zin E. Rocklyn (she/they) is a horror and dark fantasy author hailing from Jersey City NJ. A contributor to several anthologies, including a non-fiction essay in the Hugo Award-winning Uncanny Magazine’s Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction, the IGNYTE-award nominated writer is a graduate of 2017 VONA and 2018 Viable Paradise workshops. Their debut novella Flowers for the Sea was published by tor.com in October 2021. You can follow them on Twitter at intelligentwat.

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Unlikeable Narrators Aren’t Inherently Bad

May 21, 2022 10:30 am to 11:30 am

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Should readers like every character? What about every narrator or protagonist? In this panel, authors who have written unlikable narrators will discuss how the unsympathetic and unappealing nature of their characters serve their narrative.