Tammi Labrecque

Tammi Labrecque lives in Central Maine with three spoiled cats, two neurotic dogs, and dozens of fictional characters that keep her awake nights.

She writes under a few pen names across several genres, including urban fantasy, thriller, and LitRPG.

Under her own name, you can find her writing romance novels that no one reads or teaching at newsletterninja.net.

A headshot of Tammi Labrecque posed in front of a leafy green background. She is looking up and to the the right.

Related Events

HEA Quest: Marketing Through Newsletters

January 20, 2024 11:00 am to 11:50 am

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Does the thought of putting together a newsletter fill you with dread? It doesn’t have to! Join Kilby Blades, A. M. Lau, and Tammi Labrecque as they offer up their processes and tips from Marketing Through Newsletters in our final panel of the day!

HEA Quest is a special virtual meetup presented by SFWA’s Romance Steering Committee. It’s available to all Nebula 2023 conference attendees–or, if you would like to register for HEA Quest only, you can do so here for $10 USD.

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