Suzanne Hagelin

Suzanne Hagelin lives in the Seattle area where she runs an independent press with a small group of authors and teaches language on the side. She writes near-future, hard sci-fi adventures that explore themes like AI sentience and genetic engineering. Her books include “Body Suit”, the first of the Silvarian Trilogy. It’s a riches to rags adventure of a clever woman in a high-tech suit versus a hostile AI… on Mars.

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Inventing Language

May 12, 2023 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Please note: all times are displayed in the Pacific timezone. Timezone calculator

Authors, code-breakers, language lovers (and haters): It’s not as hard as you think to begin crafting a new language. Using simple approaches, we’ll begin building a language together, looking at culture, grammar, alphabets, and more. Tools anyone can use!

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