Susan Forest

Susan Forest is the author of dual Aurora Award-winners Bursts of Fire (2019) and Flights of Marigold (2020) as well as over 25 internationally-published short stories (Analog, Asimov’s, Beneath Ceaseless Skies). She edits an award-winning anthology series for Laksa Media Groups, was Editor Guest of Honor at Keycon in 2021, and has been invited to co-edit Life Beyond Us, coming out from the European Astrobiology Institute in 2022. Gathering of Ghosts, the third novel of her Addicted to Heaven series (forthcoming, 2023) confronts issues of addictions in an epic fantasy world of intrigue and betrayal.

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Tools for Revising Novelists

May 20, 2022 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

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Few of us produce perfect first drafts. How does one go about revising a novel-length project? Our panelists share the tools and techniques in their kits for turning a rough draft into a polished, cohesive work.