Rajeev Prasad

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The Craft of Writing and Selling Novellas and Novelettes

June 6, 2024 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Please note: all times are displayed in the Pacific timezone. Timezone calculator

A discussion of the craft, challenges, and benefits of writing, selling, and publishing novellas and novelettes.
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The Rise of South and Southeast Asian SFF

June 7, 2024 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Please note: all times are displayed in the Pacific timezone. Timezone calculator

Panelists: Avani Gadani, Phong Quan, Rajeev Prasad and S.B. Divya (moderator)

Who are the emerging writers in this space? How are cultural and technological shifts impacting the popularity of genre fiction in South and Southeast Asia? How do we bridge that gap between writing for a US audience and writing for the English-speaking South and Southeast Asian audience?

If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!

The Nexus Between Science Fiction and the Natural World

June 8, 2024 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Please note: all times are displayed in the Pacific timezone. Timezone calculator

This panel will discuss the nexus between science fiction and nature writing, and how science fiction and fantasy writers can explore earth’s own rich environment—while also telling readers more about where they live and the challenges facing our planet.

So many of us think of science fiction as occurring in space, in faraway galaxies, or on fantastical worlds. Or the stories are set on earth in scientific or magical environments in the present or future where discoveries or characters spin out of control, whether it’s “Frankenstein,” “I, Robot,” or even Harry Potter.

But another rich world exists here on earth, and it hasn’t been as nearly well explored. It’s the natural world, whether it’s the ocean,tropical islands, the planet’s core, jungles, and more.

If you do not see the stream window, be sure to login at the top of this page. Registered attendees of the 2024 Nebula Conference will be able to participate upon logging in. If you still need to register, visit the home page!