
Cecilia Tan

Cecilia Tan

Cecilia Tan is an award-winning writer of science fiction/fantasy, romance, and erotica best known for breaking down the barriers between the genres. She founded Circlet Press in 1992, has published over 100 short stories and many novels (lost count after […]

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The smiling author wearing glasses and a purple button-up dress shirt

Kanishk Tantia

Kanishk Tantia (He/Him) is an immigrant from India. His words have been published in Apex Magazine, Flametree Press, and Heartlines Spec. He often writes speculative fiction about plants, people, and plants eating people, which probably stems from some generalized anxiety […]

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Tom Taulli

Tom Taulli (@ttaulli) is the author of various books, such as Artificial Intelligence Basics and the Robotic Process Automation Handbook. His work has also appeared in publications like, Barrons, Bloomberg and eSecurity Planet. Besides his writings, Tom has founded […]

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Christine Taylor-Butler

Christine Taylor-Butler is the author of more than 90 books for children. A graduate of MIT, she holds dual degrees in Civil Engineering and Art & Design. Her current projects include the action adventure speculative series entitled “The Lost Tribes,” […]

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Shveta Thakrar

Shveta Thakrar is a part-time nagini and full-time believer in magic. Her work has appeared in a number of magazines and anthologies including ENCHANTED LIVING, UNCANNY MAGAZINE, A THOUSAND BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS, and TOIL & TROUBLE. Her debut young adult […]

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Natalia Theodoridou

Natalia Theodoridou has published over a hundred short stories, most of them dark and queer, in magazines such as Strange Horizons, Uncanny, Clarkesworld, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nightmare, and F&SF, among others. He won the 2018 World Fantasy Award for Short […]

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Sonja Thomas

Sonja Thomas (she/her) writes stories for readers of all ages. She’s a contributing author for Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic. Sir Fig Newton and the Science of Persistence is her debut novel. […]

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R. K. Thorne

R. K. Thorne writes optimistic fantasy and science fiction adventures brimming with romance, action, and humor. The author of over ten novels, she’s also experienced in designing games, software, books, and graphics. A long-time gamer and dungeon master, she’s fueled […]

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