Andrew Kelly Stewart

Andrew Kelly Stewart’s writing spans the literary, science fiction, fantasy, and the supernatural genres. His short fiction has appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, ZYZZYVA, and Juxtaprose, and his debut book, We Shall Sing a Song into the Deep, is availble from Andy lives and writes in San Marcos, CA, and is represented by John Silbersack with The Bent Agency.

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The Speculative-Literary Connection: Writing and Publishing Across Markets

May 20, 2022 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

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What is the benefit of reading, submitting to, and publishing in literary markets as a speculative writer and vice versa? What are some markets that are blending genres? What are some popular ways to incorporate weirdness into literary writing? When is a story too speculative or not speculative enough? In this panel, cross-genre writers and editors will address these questions and more!