Maya MacGregor (M Evan MacGriogair)

Maya MacGregor is a Scottish-American fantasy author and singer who writes YA as Maya MacGregor and short fiction as M Evan MacGriogair. Their work has been awarded the Kirkus Star (The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester, Maya MacGregor) and long-listed for a Hugo (“Seonag and the Sea-Wolves”, M Evan MacGriogair). As Emmie Mears, they have ten fantasy novels published, including the Ayala Storme series, Barnes and Noble bestseller Look to the Sun, and the Stonebreaker series. As a Gaelic singer, they have performed with their choirs in four countries, including representing Scotland at Eurovision Choir in 2019 and winning multiple national awards with the Alba choir and the Glasgow Gaelic Musical Association, and they are also an award-winning solo singer in Gaelic. They have over seventeen novels in the world with many more to come. Maya is autistic and non-binary and lives in Glasgow with their two cats.

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May 21, 2022 6:00 am to 7:00 am

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