KT Bryski

KT Bryski is a queer Canadian author, playwright, and podcaster. Her short fiction has appeared in many places, including the Deadlands, Lightspeed, Nightmare, PodCastle, and others. Her story “Tiger’s Feast” was selected for inclusion in the Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2021.

She is a Parsec Award winner, and she has been a finalist for the Sunburst, the Auroras, and the Eugie Foster Memorial Award. KT co-chairs ephemera, a speculative fiction reading series occurring monthly in Toronto (or YouTube, depending on COVID-19). When she’s not writing, KT frolics through Toronto, enjoying choral music and craft beer.

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Flash: More Story, Fewer Words!

May 22, 2022 9:00 am to 10:00 am

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Flash fiction can be funny, quirky, and deeply moving, but it’s a challenging form that requires its own skill set. What makes flash different from longer short stories? In this panel, several flash writers will share their tools and tricks for creating stunning stories under 1000 words.