Jen Gunnels

JEN GUNNELS is an editor at Tor Books, where her authors include Sue Burke, Brian Staveley, J. S Dewes, Karen Osborne, and L. E. Modesitt, Jr.. Before coming to Tor she served as dramatic critic and Theater Editor for the Hugo nominated New York Review of Science Fiction and a contributing editor for performance for the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction online. She has also edited a special edition on performance for the Journal for the Fantastic in the Arts and contributed articles on fandom to the online journal Transformative Works and Cultures. She co-edited Geek Theater, a collection of science fiction and fantasy plays, with Erin Underwood.

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Those Who Can Teach

May 20, 2022 9:00 am to 10:00 am

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Teaching speculative creative writing is an art and craft of its own. This panel will discuss SFF pedagogy in the college classroom, in online workshops, and in other learning contexts.