Adriana Kantcheva

Adriana Kantcheva is a Bulgarian writer of (often) speculative fiction. She lived in six countries before settling in southern Germany with her husband and their son and twin daughters. She has a Ph.D. in molecular biology and has worked as a science editor but left all that to focus on her writing—specifically, her debut epic fantasy novel. Her short fiction has appeared in Stupefying Stories, Short Circuit, Shoreline of Infinity, and elsewhere. Adriana is a certified yoga teacher and meditates regularly, which helps her keep a handle on healthy writing habits, the demands of parenting, and life’s unexpected turns. Find more about Adriana at

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Living Overseas and Publishing in the US and CA

May 22, 2022 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

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When many popular traditional publishers have New York or otherwise North American roots, “breaking in” from elsewhere in the world can be difficult. In this panel, writers living beyond the US and Canada discuss their publishing experiences.