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September 16, 2023

Romancing SFF Monthly Meetup – Featuring: TB Markinson and Miranda MacLeod

September 16, 2023 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Panelists: TB Markinson and Miranda MacLeod

Each month the Romancing SFF meetup will bring an expert speaker for thirty minutes of programming followed by opportunities to ask questions and network with the SFWA SFF romance community.


TB Markinson has published over 30 novels, many of them making the Amazon bestseller lists for lesbian fiction and lesbian romance. In 2017, TB founded I Heart SapphFic (, a place for authors and readers to come together to celebrate sapphic fiction. When she isn’t writing, she’s hiking, watching sports, visiting historical sites in New England, or reading.

Originally from southern California, Miranda MacLeod now lives in New England and writes heartfelt romances and romantic comedies featuring witty and charmingly flawed women that you’ll want to marry. Or just grab a coffee with, if that’s more your thing. Before becoming a writer, she spent way too many years in graduate school, worked in professional theater and film, and held temp jobs in just about every office building in downtown Boston. To find out about her upcoming releases, be sure to sign up for her mailing list at

I Heart SapphFic offers fresh content six days per week, including reading challenges, books on sale, free books, best of the best polls, books of the month, pet photos, random facts about authors, SapphFic community news, author resources, and so much more. Plus the original Tuesday New Release Newsletter, of course.

With the launch of our rebranded and redesigned website on October 3, 2022, I Heart SapphFic is thrilled to bring a new resource to the reading community: the I Heart SapphFic BookFinder. Our database of traditionally and independently published sapphic literature was launched with over 1,000 entries. We ended 2022 with nearly 2500 books, and we continue to grow daily!


The SFWA Romance Steering Committee invites you to join us at our monthly virtual Romancing SFF Meetup. Each month, the Romancing SFF meetup features an expert speaker for thirty minutes of programming followed by opportunities to ask questions and network with the SFWA SFF romance community.

Read more about Romancing SFF Monthly Meetup – Featuring: TB Markinson and Miranda MacLeod

September 13, 2023

September 10, 2023

September 03, 2023

August 30, 2023

August 27, 2023

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