
Wen Wen Yang

Wen Wen Yang is a first-generation Chinese American from the Bronx, New York. She graduated from Barnard College of Columbia University with a degree in English and creative writing. Her work can be found in Fantasy Magazine, Cast of Wonders, […]

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Karlo Yeager Rodriguez

Karlo Yeager Rodríguez is originally from the enchanting island of Puerto Rico, but moved to the Baltimore area some years ago where he now lives with his wife and one odd dog. His fiction has appeared in Nature, Uncanny, Beneath […]

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Reimena Yee

Reimena Yee is a strange and fancy storyteller and illustrator originally from the dusty city of Kuala Lumpur. She is the creator of the Eisner-nominated The Carpet Merchant of Konstantiniyya, the gothic suburban fantasy Seance Tea Party and the whimsical […]

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Kathryn Yelinek

Kathryn lives in Pennsylvania, where she works as a librarian. Her fiction has appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Deep Magic, Metaphorosis, Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies. She has a fondness for retold fairy tales, hopepunk, and happily ever […]

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Eris Young

Eris Young is a queer, transgender writer of speculative fiction. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in Escape Pod, Fusion Fragment, PseudoPod, and others. They are the fiction editor at Shoreline of Infinity, Scotland’s foremost science fiction magazine.

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Victoria Zelvin

Victoria Zelvin is a speculative short fiction writer living and working in Washington D.C. Her work has appeared in various magazines and anthologies, including Luna Station Quarterly, Daily Science Fiction, Brave New Girls, Shoreline of Infinity, and is forthcoming from […]

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Marc Zicree

Marc Scott Zicree has written and produced hundreds of hours of series TV, pilots and feature films for most of the major studios and networks, including Paramount, Universal, Disney, CW, Sony/Columbia Tri-Star, MGM, Warners, Castle Rock, New Line, CBS, NBC, […]

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Anna Ziegelhof

Anna Ziegelhof

Anna Ziegelhof is a short fiction writer originally from Germany, currently based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is particularly drawn to dark stories with specks of hope in them. She has an academic background in sociology and religious […]

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