Marc Criley

Marc Criley avidly read fantasy and science fiction for over 40 years before deciding to try his hand at writing it. After a couple years he sold his first semi-pro story, and a few months later made his first professional sale. (You’re never too old to start writing!) Marc has since sold a variety of short stories, drabbles, and poems to pro and semi-pro markets. Marc blogs about his writing at and carries on as @MarcC on both BlueSky and, foisting all manner of art, politics, computers, space, Alabama, and game camera and cat pictures onto an unsuspecting world. Marc, his wife, and their menagerie of cats currently reside in the hills of North Alabama outside Huntsville. Retiring from a career spent writing software, Marc took the opportunity to immerse himself in writing the kinds of stories he, and hopefully others, will enjoy.

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Smaller is Better: Drabbles and Other Microfictions

June 8, 2024 9:00 am to 10:00 am

Please note: all times are displayed in the Pacific timezone. Timezone calculator

Drabbles, microfictions, and other small pieces do a lot in a small space. Learn about how our panelists work with small word count constraints to capture ideas, build worlds, and introduce characters that feel larger than the stories themselves.

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