Kanishk Tantia

Kanishk Tantia (He/Him) is an immigrant from India. His words have been published in Apex Magazine, Flametree Press, and Heartlines Spec.

He often writes speculative fiction about plants, people, and plants eating people, which probably stems from some generalized anxiety about climate change. Kanishk lives in San Diego with his partner and a dog that commits tax fraud.

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The smiling author wearing glasses and a purple button-up dress shirt

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Publishing Taught Me: Our Inclusive Community

October 29, 2024 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

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Emily Jiang, Kanishk Tantia, and Nelly Geraldine García Rosas talk about the essays they contributed to the Publishing Taught Me anthology with its chief editor, Nisi Shawl. The conversation will also cover the anthology’s entire scope and how the ideas of inclusiveness and diversity leave their mark on our genre, their lives, and our community as a whole.