JD Blackrose

J.D. Blackrose wrote The Summoner’s Mark urban fantasy trilogy for Bell Bridge Books, consisting of Demon Kissed, Fae Crossed, and Hell Bound. She’s published The Soul Wars, The Devil’s Been Busy, and Zombie Cosmetologist novellas through Falstaff Books. She’s published short stories such as “Don’t Fool an Earth Witch,” in Mother’s Revenge, “The Book Burning,” in Curiosities, and “Poisoned by Sugar,” in Witches, Warriors, and Wise Women. Her short story, “The Ghost Train,” was published by Third Flatiron in their Spring 2019 Anthology and Best of 2019 Anthology. “Welcome, Death,” appeared in the Jewish Book of Horror in Fall, 2020 as did “The Space Ark,” in the HOZ Journal of Speculative Fiction. Under the name Joelle M. Reizes, she co-wrote a children’s Hannukah story entitled, “Courageous Candles.” She blogs, reviews books, and does author interviews on www.slipperywords.com.

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