David Bowles

DAVID BOWLES is the award-winning author and translator of more than two dozen books, among them They Call Me Güero, The Witch Owl Parliament, and The Route of Ice and Salt. His work has been published in multiple anthologies, plus venues such as The New York Times, Rattle, Translation Review, Strange Horizons and Apex. In 2019, David co-founded the activist movement #DignidadLiteraria to fight for the dignity of Latinx people in publishing. He presently serves as the vice president of the Texas Institute of Letters.

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Every Little Thing They Do Is Magic: Latinx Writers Talk Fantasy and Realism

May 22, 2022 9:00 am to 10:00 am

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Latinx writers still write under the shadow of Magical Realism–and not even the original conception of it, but a kind of generic, watered-down, and frankly, appropriated version of it. But all of you write exciting, extra-real stories that blend blatant fantasy with characters and situations that speak to the Latinx experience in authentic and useful ways. How is that thing done?