Carina Bissett

Carina Bissett is a writer, poet, and educator working primarily in the fields of dark fiction and fabulism. Her short fiction and poetry have been published in multiple journals and anthologies including Upon a Twice Time, Bitter Distillations: An Anthology of Poisonous Tales, Arterial Bloom, Gorgon: Stories of Emergence, Hath No Fury, and the HWA Poetry Showcase Vol. V, VI, and VIII. She is also the co-editor of Shadow Atlas: Dark Landscapes of the Americas. Links to her work can be found at

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Unusual Short Story Formats

May 13, 2023 10:30 am to 11:30 am

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As a medium, the short story offers the unique opportunity for experimentation. Join us as we explore unconventional and unique narrative techniques in notable short stories.

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