Romancing SFF Monthly Meetup – Featuring: Celia Lake Add To My List

February 17, 2024 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

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The SFWA Romance Steering Committee invites you to join us at our monthly virtual Romancing SFF Meetup. Each month, the Romancing SFF meetup features an expert speaker for thirty minutes of programming followed by opportunities to ask questions and network with the SFWA SFF romance community.

Do you want to write a more diverse world? Learning about what makes for good disability representation (and what to avoid) allows for a wider range of stories, experiences, and opportunities for your world and the people in it. Celia Lake will discuss the diversity of disability experiences, how to avoid common problems, and resources for learning more about specific conditions or experiences. Bring your questions!

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This event will be open to both SFWA members and for registered attendees of the 2023 Nebula Conference. If you are a SFWA member or have already purchased a 2023 Nebula Conference membership simply log in with your existing email and password on file. If you run into difficulties, please email

If you are NOT a SFWA member and would like to attend this event you may register to attend here: BUTTON

The cost of registering is $75.00 and gives you access to this event, future meetups, ongoing writing dates, and over 50 professional development and career advice panels from our 2023 Nebula Conference! Additionally, every registration is put towards future conference costs and helps to pay it forward to speculative fiction writers across the publishing landscape through many of our programs and services!