Romancing SFF Monthly Meetup – Featuring: Carissa Broadbent Add To My List

October 21, 2023 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

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Panelists: Carissa Broadbent

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The SFWA Romance Steering Committee invites you to join us at our monthly virtual Romancing SFF Meetup. Each month, the Romancing SFF meetup features an expert speaker for thirty minutes of programming followed by opportunities to ask questions and network with the SFWA SFF romance community.


Embracing the intersection of marketing and craft in the age of social media

It’s easy to think of marketing as a big, nebulous to-do list of tasks and campaigns, which many authors understandably find overwhelming. But I’ve found that the most effective marketing can also be the simplest and the most fun — and a lot of it happens when writing and editing, long before you start worrying about PPC ads or Instagram posts. In this session, we’ll discuss how to distill what you love most about your book in the writing and editing stages, and use it as fuel for word-of-mouth marketing in today’s social media landscape.

About Carissa Broadbent
Carissa Broadbent has been concerning teachers and parents with mercilessly grim tales since she was roughly nine years old. Since then, her stories have gotten (slightly) less depressing and (hopefully a lot?) more readable. Today, she is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author of novels that blend epic fantasy plots with a heaping dose of romance. She is best known for the Crowns of Nyaxia series and the War of Lost Hearts trilogy. She lives with her husband, her son, and one perpetually skeptical cat in Rhode Island.



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This event will be open to both SFWA members and for registered attendees of the 2023 Nebula Conference. If you are a SFWA member or have already purchased a 2023 Nebula Conference membership simply log in with your existing email and password on file. If you run into difficulties, please email

If you are NOT a SFWA member and would like to attend this event you may register to attend here: BUTTON

The cost of registering is $75.00 and gives you access to this event, future meetups, ongoing writing dates, and over 50 professional development and career advice panels from our 2023 Nebula Conference! Additionally, every registration is put towards future conference costs and helps to pay it forward to speculative fiction writers across the publishing landscape through many of our programs and services!