Emily Jiang

Emily Jiang is the author of Summoning the Phoenix, which was listed among the Best Children’s Books of the Year at Kirkus Reviews and The Huffington Post. Her prose and poetry have been published in Weird Tales, Strange Horizons, and Uncanny Magazine. Her choral compositions can be heard at Interfictions.

Close-up of the author smiling in front of a background of green leaves

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Publishing Taught Me: Our Inclusive Community

October 29, 2024 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

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Emily Jiang, Kanishk Tantia, James Beamon, and Nelly Geraldine García Rosas talk about the essays they contributed to the Publishing Taught Me anthology with its chief editor, Nisi Shawl. The conversation will also cover the anthology’s entire scope and how the ideas of inclusiveness and diversity leave their mark on our genre, their lives, and our community as a whole.